Scammers try hard to make it appear like they are legitimate providers. Because of this recognising a scam email can be very difficult.
What to look out for?
- A new contact is initiating contact with you.
- You have never met the person before and they are asking you for money.
- The payment methods are unusual such as gift cards, wire transfers or cryptocurrencies.
- What they are offering sounds too good to be true - For example, a prize for a competition you did not enter, or a get rich quick scheme.
This article by the ACCC and Scam Watch has some great tips: Spot the scam signs.
If you are sure an email or letter you have received is a scam, the best option would be to block the sender or set up a filter to stop any future messages.
Still unsure?
You can report email scams directly to the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission via Report a scam | Scamwatch or via the Australian Cybercrime online reporting network
If you believe you have been a victim of online identity theft, we would recommend you seek assistance through IDCARE. They are an Australian and New Zealand identity and cyber support service. For more information visit
Should you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Support on (07) 3065 9128 or at
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